Thursday, August 19, 2010

Miss VEGAN Pennsylvania USA? Why, thank you!

Okay, okay, so there isn't really a Miss Vegan Pennsylvania USA title, or best believe I'd be all over it. But having a Miss Pennsylvania USA who happens to be vegan?! That'd be fabulous, right? Especially if it was me? :)

Surpriiiiiiise! I got accepted as a contestant in the Miss Pennsylvania USA pageant! No, thank you. Thank you. Please hold your applause. (Just kidding ... You can applaud ...)

So I'm pretty excited! I decided to do what most people do when they get exciting news and blog about it. I'm not usually a blog person, but I created this one specifically so I can track my journey to the Miss Pennsylvania USA pageant that's taking place in Pittsburg on Thanksgiving weekend. Hey, this is gonna be a good story to tell the grandkids one day, right? I might never get the chance to do this again! Bonus points if I win! lol.

Anyway, so the first part of this process is to raise tons of money in sponsorships. Yikes! Of course the hard part's gonna be the first part! I need a minimum of $995 to cover the participation fee, hotel stay, meals (vegan meals? hmmmm ...), and the whole shebang. That doesn't even include the cost of the dress, swimsuit, evening gown, shoes ... yikes! So I'm setting a goal of raising $2000. We'll see how this goes!

Well, I guess I'll stop rambling now and go brainstorm some fundraising techniques. If you guys have any suggestions about possible places I could look for sponsors, any fundraisers I could hold, etc, please let me know! I'm gonna try to get a Paypal donate button in case any of my friends or family wants to help out. We're allowed to give shoutouts in the Miss PA USA program book, so you'll get public thanks as well as my sincere personal thanks.

Wish me luck, everybody! This should be a really fun ride! :)

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